Baby of Archana is just 7 days old, born with respiratory issues, suffering and unable to breathe. Also, she needs mechanical ventilation support to survive.  Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome occurs when the lungs don’t form properly. Because of severe complications, the child’s clinical condition is not good, and she faces difficulty in breathing and not gaining weight. Without an urgent treatment, this condition may worsen and cause organ damage and in the worst circumstances, even death.

“I thought I lost my newborn… Seeing my wife unconsciously lying on one side and seeing my baby turning cold and blue…I thought my life was over!!!”
-Yogesh, father of the baby

“7 days ago our baby was born. I was just about to process the happiness but the doctors and nurses started rushing inside the operation theater. All I could hear was that my baby wasn’t breathing. I thought I lost my newborn! I saw the doctor putting my baby on the ventilator support. I was so worried about my wife Archana, as she was unconscious and had no idea about the baby’s condition. The feeling of helplessness,
It was the first time I felt the fear of losing everything. I felt totally numb. I beg you to help me save my baby girl. Give her a chance at life.”
-Yogesh, father of the newborn

“Motherhood is a beautiful feeling, however the journey is not easy. The moment I gave birth I felt unconscious and weak. The moment I regained consciousness I searched for my baby but couldn’t find him anywhere near me. I had no clue and I kept on asking for my baby but no one responded. I tried to