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Urgent Heart Surgery is Needed for this 11-month-old Girl Child. Help Her Now!

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“Why is my child so weak?

Why she is not growing like other children of her age?

All these were going through my mind and recently I was shocked to know that my baby Gargi was extremely in pain. She had tremendous chest pain! We rushed her to the hospital to get other bad news that she had some sort of heart disease. And her heart surgery needs to be done.”

- Pooja; mother of baby Gargi

Gargi is only 11 months old and her chest pain started 20 days before. The parents rushed their child to a nearby hospital and after some health checkups and tests, doctors found that baby Gargi needs heart surgery immediately.

Mr.Dattatray Pote; father of baby Gargi; is the only earning member of his family who is a laborer and his income is INR.7000 - INR.8000 per month. Mrs. Pooja; mother is a homemaker. They are in no position to gather such a huge amount required for heart surgery. They have already liquidated all that they had and now appeal to all of us to help save their baby!

  • Location

    Pune, Maharashtra

  • Medical Condition

    Gargi is only 11 months old baby suffering from Situs Solitus Levocardia, Cardiac TAPVC, 5mm Ostium Secundum ASD with right to left Shunt, Severe PAH. She is advised to undergo Urgent Cardiac TAPVC, Total Correction Heart Surgery with Aggressive Medical Management. This Child is being treated at AIMS Hospital, Pune.

    This surgery is scheduled on 12th December 2022 or at the earliest. After operation child with remain for post-operative management for further 7 days. The surgery needs to be done urgently, since childs’ clinical condition is very critical and needs aggressive medical management hospitalization at the earliest.

    Total approximate expenditure for this surgery is INR. 6,20,000/-

    Since family’s financial condition is very poor, due to this we are requesting every one of you to help this child so that surgery can be done at the scheduled date and life of this child can be saved.

  • Hospital Details

    Aims Hospital and Research Centre, Pune


  • Update Dec 22, 2022

    Dear Supporters,

    Here are the latest updates for Gargi!

    Thanks to your Support, our Little Gargi got the Surgery on 16/12/22, Friday.

    Her condition is now better. She will be admitted in the hospital for a few days to monitor her health.

    We sincerely Thank You for your help!


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

  • Update Dec 13, 2022

    Dear Supporters,

    This is to inform that, Gargi's clinical condition is not good, and presently the child is not operable for Surgery so her Surgery has been cancelled. The hospital will keep us updated with the upcoming surgery date. Keep praying for Gargi's health.


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

  • Update Dec 2, 2022

    Dear Donor’s,

    Here’s the current update about Gargi.

    Gargi heath condition is better now. The medicines prescribed by the doctor is going on since the last checkup.

    The surgery is kept on hold because the financial commitment has not been fulfilled yet. Keep supporting this girl child so that her issues are solved at the earliest. God bless you all.


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

  • Update Nov 27, 2022

    Dear Donors,

    Here’s an update about Gargi.

    Yesterday, Gargi had a problem, so her parents took her to the Doctor. She is being checked up regarding the same. We would request our donors to help this child so surgery could be done on the scheduled date.


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

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Donations to PLEDGE FOUNDATION (Pratijnya Foundation) are eligible for 50% tax Exemption under Sec 80-G Income tax Act 1956.