“Aayan is our second son and we were the happiest when he was born. But we couldn’t believe that he was born without Anus. The doctors took him for a medical test, but he was not excreting, soon the doctors found out that he was suffering from High Anorectal Malformation (A condition in which the child has a blocked or missing anus). His First surgery was done free of cost by Dr. Rathod because we didn’t have enough money and Aayan’s life was at risk. We thank him for saving our Aayan’s life. We had to liquidate all our savings and take loans for Aayan’s second surgery and for our survival. Now Aayan’s third and final surgery needs to be done. Our son Aayan believes that you will help him to get out of this pain. Please save our son.”
- Shirin; mother of baby Aayan
Aayan’s father Shaikh Rahim Shamshoddin is a driver and hardly earns Rs.6000 - Rs.7000 per month. With such a mere income it is difficult for him to feed his family and take care of Aayan’s medication and surgery expenses. Please support this family to get out of the hardship faced just because they don’t have enough money for their son Aayan’s surgery. Please be their angel this Ramadan and save Aayan’s life.