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6 years old | Help Maryam, who has a Hole in her heart

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“I was heartbroken and helpless after knowing that my girl child Maryam had been suffering from this problem since birth… Until now, we have been unaware of her condition. My little girl Maryam had suffered a lot since last year when her chest pains started, and when we took her to the doctor, they discovered a hole in her heart. We were unaware that she had been suffering from it since birth. My little one cannot eat properly, and when she does, she starts vomiting. I cannot see my girl suffer daily just to stay alive! She is battling every day for her survival. She can lead a normal life if help is provided at the right time. We need your help and support in saving our girl's life..”

~Maryam’s mother, Tabassum.

Mr. Salim and Mrs. Tabassum are the parents of Maryam. Mr. Salim works as a painter who earns about 60,000/- annually. Mrs. Tabassum is a housewife. And are only able to manage small household expenses. Maryam urgently needs to undergo heart surgery, so help her get the surgery done successfully.

  • Location

    Pune, Maharashtra

  • Medical Condition

    Support Maryam, who suffers from Congenital Acynotic Heart Disease 4mm PDA with Continuous L-R Shunt. She has had a problem since birth, but the disease occurred one year ago. She needs to undergo -Urgent Aggressive Medical Management, Following PDA Closer Device Heart Procedure Scheduled on 16 Dec 2022 or at the earliest. The total approximate expenditure for this Procedure is Rs. 2,55,000/-

    Since Parent's Financial condition is deplorable, help her by donating online to Pledge Foundation's Emergency Medical Care Project. She is being treated at AIMS Hospital and Research Centre, Pune.

  • Hospital Details

    Aims Hospital and Research Centre, Pune


  • Update Dec 25, 2022

    Dear Supporters,

    Here are the latest updates for Maryam!

    We are so happy to inform that Our Maryam has been discharged on 23/12/22, Friday.

    Her health is at the best right now.

    Currently, she is taking the prescribed medications!

    Thankyou for helping her live a healthy life.


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

  • Update Dec 23, 2022

    Dear Supporters!

    Here is some good news!

    Merry Christmas to all of you!

    Maryam successfully underwent the Surgery on Thursday, 22/12/22.

    Her condition is very stable and better.

    She will be discharged within 2-3 days post-observation.

    We thank you for your constant help! Our prayers have been answered.


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

  • Update Dec 19, 2022

    Dear Pledgers,

    Here are the latest updates for Maryam!

    Our little Maryam was admitted yesterday, i.e. 19/12/22.

    She has to undergo an immediate surgery Tomorrow, i.e. 21/12/22.

    We plead you to keep supporting her as her condition keep worsening.

    Keep Supporting and Keep Praying


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

  • Update Dec 14, 2022

    Dear Well-Wishers,

    Here is the latest update for Maryam!

    Thanks to your Support, our Little Maryam was supposed to have the Surgery on 16/12/22.

    Although, the unavailability of the Doctor has Postponed the Surgery to 4-5 Days.

    Her condition is the same as before, yet she is strongly fighting for her heart.

    We hope you keep supporting her as you always have.


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

  • Update Dec 14, 2022

    Dear Supporters,

    Here are some updates for you!

    Doctors have stated that only Surgery can make her condition better.

    Her chest pain keeps increasing and it has become hard for her to simply eat as well.

    Only your support can help her get the surgery as soon as possible.

    Thankyou for the help so far.


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

  • Update Dec 4, 2022

    Dear Well-wishers,

    Here’s the recent update for Maryam.

    Maryam’s health condition is not good. She suddenly starts getting stomach and chest pain. Whenever, she eats something she starts getting unbearable pain due to which her food intake has reduced as well. Doctors have prescribed medicine for that.

    Keep supporting so that her health condition can be improved and life can be saved. Keep Praying for Maryam.


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

  • Update Nov 27, 2022

    Dear Donors,

    Here’s an update about Maryam. Her chest pain have increased since 3 to 4 days. She is not being able to eat food properly. The doctors have informed the parents to conduct the surgery as soon as possible; otherwise, Maryam’s life would be at risk.

    We would request all of you to share and extend your support to help Maryam undergo her surgery as soon as possible.

    Thank you for the support so far.


    Medical Coordinator

    Pledge Foundation

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Donations to PLEDGE FOUNDATION (Pratijnya Foundation) are eligible for 50% tax Exemption under Sec 80-G Income tax Act 1956.