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With a Hole in Her Heart; 2 year old Pallavi is Fighting for Life

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“Aai(mother), she shouted while playing outside and we saw our little girl lying on the ground unconscious. We thought it might have happened normally. But her blackouts became a frequent nightmare. Her health started to deteriorate. Her nails started to turn blue. She gasped for breath every single time when she ran towards us. We took her to the nearby hospital for checkup only to find that our fear turned into a reality. She had a hole in her heart. Pain is still a normal word for a mother who sees her daughter daily in such a terrible condition fighting for her life. She was full of life and gave us all the happiness when she was born but now she is constantly in bed, surviving on medicines, fighting the pain all by herself.”

- Varsha; mother of 2-year-old Pallavi

Pallavi is a 2-year-old baby girl who is suffering from Congenital Heart Disease. Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are problems with the structure of the heart. “Congenital” means that the problems are present at birth. These defects happen when a baby’s heart doesn’t develop normally during pregnancy. Congenital heart defects can change the way the heart pumps blood. They may make blood flow too slowly, go the wrong way, or block it completely. Congenital heart defects can range from very mild problems that never need treatment to life-threatening problems at birth.

Mr. Bajrang and Mrs. Varsha are the parents of 2 year old Pallavi. The family consists of 7 members. Pallavi’s grandparents are still suffering from heart problems.

The parents didn’t know the health condition of the baby during birth. They got to know it once they did 2D Echocardiography from a Hospital in Pandharpur, Maharashtra last year when her health started deteriorating. Bajrang works as a daily wage laborer and Varsha is a homemaker. The family of 7 is supported by the income from Bajrang and

  • Location

    Pune, Maharashtra

  • Medical Condition

    Pallavi is a 2 year old girl suffering from Congenital Heart Disease, SDS, Large Malaligned Non-Restrictive VSD, Over-Ridding of Aorta on VSD, Severe Infandibular Stenosis and is advised to undergo Aggressive Medical Management Following Urgent CHD, Tetralogy of Fallot - Total Correction Heart Surgery.

    Total Approximate expenditure for this surgery is Rs. 5,20,000 (Five Lac and Twenty Thousand Rupees) which is beyond the means for this family.

    With this family in such a situation; I would urge everyone to extend their support with whatever they can afford.

  • Hospital Details

    Jehangir Hospital, Pune


  • Update Sep 11, 2023

    Dear Donor's,

    Pallavi's surgery would need to be postponed for 2-3 months due to her mother's delivery. During waiting period Pallavi is closely communicating with healthcare team and is continuing her medicines. She is also going to follow instructions and precaution given by health care to manage her health during this interim period.
    Keep Supporting and Keep Praying!

    Medical Coordinator
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Sep 6, 2023

    Dear Donor's,

    I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your generous donation.
    Thanks to your kindness and compassion, The surgery for Pallavi on 5th of September is scheduled by doctor's. This life-changing procedure will make a world of difference in their health and well-being. Your support has truly been a ray of hope in our journey.

    Medical Coordinator
    Pledge Foundation.

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Donations to PLEDGE FOUNDATION (Pratijnya Foundation) are eligible for 50% tax Exemption under Sec 80-G Income tax Act 1956.