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Blood cancer has taken over this 3-year-old’s life. Please save Devansh

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“Your son is suffering from blood cancer.”

At that moment, our life came to a standstill

“Devansh is our second son. He is 3 years old. We didn’t know that our little one was suffering from such a life threatening disease. There were no symptoms all these while. But it started 2 months ago with constant fever and weakness. We took Devansh to nearby clinic where tests were done and medicines were prescribed, however the fever didn’t budge a bit. Then Devansh was taken to Lotus Hospital where after some tests it was found that he was suffering from Blood Cancer.”

- Kirti; mother of 3 year old Devansh

“Every day is a battle for my son. He can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t play. He can’t do anything that kids his age do naturally. He just keeps on crying. His fever doesn’t subside. I can’t express how heart-wrenching it is to see him like that and not being able to do anything,” Kirti cries.

Mr. Yogesh and Mrs. Kirti are the parents of 3-year-old Devansh. Kirti is a homemaker and Yogesh works as a laborer. His annual income is just INR.35,000 which makes it difficult for his family’s survival. Devansh has a elder brother.

Due to my family’s financial condition, I didn’t get the chance to get educated. I work as a laborer to earn a living. My income is enough to run my household, but it’s not enough to save my son,” Yogesh says.

The family has exhausted all there savings to treat Devansh and now appeals to everyone to save the life of this 3-year-old. Kirti and Yogesh’s financial condition is very critical and their son’s life is hanging with a fine thread. You are this family’s only hope.

  • Location

    Nashik, Maharashtra

  • Medical Condition

    Devansh is a 3 year old boy suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He has advised for Chemotherapy along with Supportive Care (Blood Products).

    The approximate expenses / cost of the procedure / treatment would be of entire treatment will be Rs. 3,50,000 (Three Lac Fifty Thousand Only).

    He needs chemotherapy, blood transfusions, and supportive care to be able to fight his deadly cancer.

    With this family in such a situation; I would urge everyone to extend their support with whatever they can afford.

  • Hospital Details

    NAMCO Hospital, Nashik


  • Update Jun 22, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    We are pleased to share that Devansh is doing well, and his chemotherapy session was successfully done on 14th June.
    Your steadfast support and generosity have played a crucial role in his recovery journey. We are immensely thankful for your compassion and dedication.
    Thank you for your continued support and for being a source of hope for Devansh and his family.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    We are delighted to share some wonderful news about Devansh. He is doing well, and his chemotherapy was successfully completed on 11th May.
    Your generous support and kind thoughts have been a tremendous source of strength for Devansh and his family during this challenging journey.
    We are incredibly grateful for your continued support and compassion.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    We're thrilled to share some uplifting news about Devansh's progress. He's doing remarkably well, and we're excited to announce that his next chemotherapy session is scheduled for May 11th.
    As he takes this next step on his journey, let's continue to stand by his side, rallying behind him with prayers and positivity.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    We're thrilled to share a positive update about Devansh's journey. He is doing well, and we are delighted to report that his next round of chemotherapy is scheduled for next month.
    With your generous support, Devansh has been able to access the vital medical treatments he needs, bringing hope and healing into his life.
    As Devansh prepares for his next round of treatment, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    Devansh underwent his chemotherapy as scheduled on April 11th and is continuing to progress well. Your continued support is invaluable to him and his family as they navigate through this journey. Thank you for being a source of strength and hope for Devansh.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor's

    We're relieved to share that Devansh is continuing to fare well, with his next chemotherapy session scheduled for 7th April.
    Your kindness continues to make a profound difference in their lives.
    Let's keep Devansh in our thoughts and prayers as he continues his treatment.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    We're pleased to inform you that Devansh is doing well. His latest chemotherapy session was completed on March 11th, and his next one is scheduled for next month. Your support has been invaluable in Devansh's journey, and thank you for standing by him during this time. Your kindness continues to make a difference.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    We are delighted to share that Devansh is doing well and continues to show incredible strength on his journey.
    As he continues his battle against illness, Devansh's next chemotherapy session is scheduled for March 7th.
    Thank you for being a source of strength during this challenging journey.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Mar 5, 2024

    Dear Donors,

    We are thrilled to share that Devansh is doing well following his recent chemotherapy, which was completed on February 9th. His resilience is truly inspiring.
    Looking ahead, Devansh's next chemotherapy session is scheduled for next month, as part of his ongoing treatment plan.
    Thank you for being a source of hope and comfort during this challenging time.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Feb 9, 2024

    Dear Donor's

    We regret to inform you that Devansh is unwell and experiencing fever. He will be taken to the hospital tomorrow, February 7th, for medical attention. His next chemotherapy session is scheduled for February 13th. Your continued support is greatly appreciated during this challenging time, and we will keep you updated on Devansh's condition.
    Thank you for your concern and generosity.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Jan 24, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    We are pleased to inform you that Devansh underwent his chemotherapy on the 13th Jan and is currently in good health. Your continued support has been invaluable in his journey towards recovery. The next chemotherapy session is scheduled for next month, and we remain hopeful for positive progress.
    We appreciate your ongoing contribution to Devansh's health.
    Thank you for making a positive impact on his life.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Jan 24, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    He is doing well, and his medications are progressing as planned. The next chemotherapy session is scheduled for the January 12th.
    Your unwavering support is making a difference, and we will continue to keep you updated on Devansh's journey.
    Thank you for your generosity and caring spirit.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Jan 24, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    He recently underwent chemotherapy on the 11th and he is taking his medicines also. The next scheduled chemotherapy session is planned for the 10th Jan.
    Your support and contribution have been invaluable to Devansh's treatment journey. Your kindness means a lot to us and has a profound impact on his healing process.
    Thank you for being an essential part of Devansh's support network.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Jan 24, 2024

    Dear Donors,
    We're pleased to inform you that Devansh underwent his scheduled chemotherapy today, December 11th, and he's doing well. Your continued support has been invaluable in ensuring he receives the care he needs during this challenging time.
    Thank you for being a vital part of Devansh's journey towards recovery.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Dec 9, 2023

    Dear donors,

    We are writing to provide a brief update on Devansh's ongoing treatment. Devansh completed his most recent chemotherapy session on the 9th of November. The doctor has advised a continuation of monthly chemotherapy sessions for the next two years to aid in his recovery.
    Your support and generosity have been instrumental in Devansh's journey towards healing. We will continue to keep you informed about his progress and any further developments in his treatment.
    Thank you for your continued kindness and support.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Nov 11, 2023

    Dear Donor’s
    We're pleased to share that Devansh's health is currently stable and he's preparing for his next round of chemotherapy, scheduled for Thursday, November 9th. Your generous support has been instrumental in his journey, and your continued contributions make a world of difference.
    Thank you for being a lifeline for Devansh, helping him fight and overcome this challenging battle.
    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Oct 31, 2023

    Dear Donor's,
    We are thrilled to share that Devansh is showing improvement following his chemotherapy on October 9th. To continue his path to better treatment and recovery, his next chemotherapy session is scheduled for November 5th.
    Your support and well wishes are making a significant difference in his journey towards healing. Keep supporting and keep praying!
    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Sep 11, 2023

    Dear Donor's,

    I'm glad to share good news with you Devansh is doing fine and that his chemotherapy was completed on September 7th. It's important for him to follow the treatment schedule and attend his next chemotherapy session as recommended by his healthcare team.
    Keep Supporting and Keep Praying!

    Medical Coordinator
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Aug 26, 2023

    Dear Donor’s,

    Your prayers and your support has helped out Devansh for his chemo and he is doing well. His next chemo is scheduled for 4th September.
    Thank you for your constant support.

    Medical Coordinator
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Jul 27, 2023

    Dear Donor’s,

    Devansh will be having his next Chemotherapy session today. Keep Contributing and Keep Praying for his health.

    Medical Cordinator
    Pledge Foundation

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