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Born Premature in the 7th month of Pregnancy | Mother is Hospitalized | Save life of Newborn

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Baby of Mamta is suffering from the following conditions:

Hyaline membrane disease (HMD), also called respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), is a condition that causes babies to need extra oxygen and help breathing.HMD is one of the most common problems seen in premature babies. The more premature the baby, the higher the risk and the more severe the HMD. HMD typically worsens over the first 48 to 72 hours and then improves with treatment. More than 90 percent of babies with HMD survive.

Ductus Arteriosus - The ductus arteriosus is a normal blood vessel that connects two major arteries - the aorta and the pulmonary artery — that carry blood away from the heart.

The lungs are not used while a fetus is in the womb because the baby gets oxygen directly from the mother’s placenta. The ductus arteriosus carries blood away from the lungs and sends it directly to the body. When a newborn breathes and begins to use the lungs, the ductus is no longer needed and usually closes by itself during the first 2 days after birth.

If the ductus doesn’t close, the result is a patent (meaning “open”) ductus arteriosus. The PDA lets oxygen-rich blood (blood high in oxygen) from the aorta mix with oxygen-poor blood (blood low in oxygen) in the pulmonary artery. As a result, too much blood flows into the lungs, which puts a strain on the heart and increases blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries. Sometimes, infants are born with certain heart problems that decrease blood flow from the heart to the lungs or decrease the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the body. In those cases, the PDA actually might help, and the doctor may prescribe medicine to ke
  • Location

    Nashik, Maharashtra

  • Medical Condition

    Baby of Mamta (female) is born in the 7th month of pregnancy and the baby weighed around 800 gms at the time of birth. The baby was born prematurely due to complications of the mother during the pregnancy. The mother started having complications during the 6th month of pregnancy and currently she is also admitted in the hospital.
    The newborn is in NICU due to severe complications after birth. The baby is suffering from Preterm Severe Hyaline Membrane Disease with Clinical Sepsis issue
    with Ductus Arteriosus, Clinical Sepsis Issue
    Doctors have suggested mechanical ventilator support with higher antibiotics for surviving. Also, the suggested NICU stay is for 1.5 month. The total approximate cost for the entire treatment would be INR. 334,500 which is more than which the family can afford.
    With this family in such a situation; I would urge everyone to extend their support with whatever they can afford.

  • Hospital Details

    Raddiant Plus Hospital, Nashik


  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    Wonderful news! Mamta's baby is now in good health and was discharged from the hospital on April 9th. Your support has helped bring hope and healing to their family during this difficult time. Thank you for making a difference in their lives during this emotional time.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor's

    We're pleased to share that Mamta's baby is making progress in recovery and remains under observation in the hospital. Plans are underway for her discharge soon.
    Thank you for your continued generosity and well wishes as they near the end of this chapter in their journey.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    We're thrilled to announce that Mamta's condition has improved, and she will be discharged after her checkup on 15th March. Your support has been crucial in her recovery journey. Your contributions have made a significant impact on Mamta and her family during this challenging time.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update May 31, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    Baby Mamta's condition remains stable, and she continues to receive attentive care while admitted. There is hope as we anticipate her discharge in the coming days.
    Your ongoing support and concern have been invaluable during this time. We will keep you informed of any further developments.
    Thank you for your ongoing generosity.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

  • Update Mar 5, 2024

    Dear Donor’s

    The baby remains stable in the NICU, but the journey isn't over yet. She's been asked to stay admitted for a few more days as she continues her fight for health and strength.
    Your generosity has been a beacon of hope for us and a lifeline for the baby and her family. Every thought, every prayer, and every donation makes a difference.

    Medical Coordinator,
    Pledge Foundation.

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Donations to PLEDGE FOUNDATION (Pratijnya Foundation) are eligible for 50% tax Exemption under Sec 80-G Income tax Act 1956.