“I still remember the day Lingaraj was born—so tiny, so fragile, yet so full of life. From the moment I held him in my arms, I knew he was special. But soon, life began to show its challenges. His little body never developed like the other children. His limbs didn’t move as easily, and his eyes seemed to struggle to understand the world around him. For 13 years, we’ve fought this battle together. We have been to countless doctors, and I watched him endure two painful surgeries. I hoped, prayed, and cried, waiting for a miracle. But each time, the results were the same—Lingaraj still cannot walk or speak. The doctors stated that he will never move on his own until his mind becomes stable. As a mother, those words crush me. When he was younger, I wanted to give him an understanding of a normal childhood. Despite our struggles, we managed to send him to school until the 7th standard. But even that became impossible as his health worsened, and transporting him was a daily struggle. My heart breaks seeing him trapped inside his body.
My husband works hard, repairing electronic items and earning just ₹200 a day. It’s barely enough to put food on the table, let alone think about the medical expenses and a wheelchair for Lingaraj. A wheelchair could be his freedom, his chance to experience the world beyond the walls of our small home. But right now, even that seems out of reach. As a mother, there’s no greater pain than seeing your child in need and feeling helpless. But I will never stop fighting for him; with your support, help us give Lingaraj the life he deserves.”
- Pramila, mother of 13-Year-old Lingaraj

13 Year-Old Lingaraj was born with 1