Pledge Foundation's early childhood education focuses on eradicating the root causes of children dropping out and educating them.
Every child deserves access to quality early childhood education. Nearly half of all pre-primary-age children around the world aren’t enrolled in preschool. In low-income countries, the image is bleaker, with just 1 in 5 young children enrolled. Children from poor families are the least likely to attend early childhood education programmes. For children who do have access, poorly trained educators, overcrowded and unstimulating environments, and unsuitable curricula diminish the quality of their experiences.
Failure to provide quality early childhood education limits children’s futures by denying them opportunities to achieve their full potential. It also limits the futures of nations, robing them of the human capital needed to cut back inequalities and promote peaceful, prosperous societies. Children enrolled in a minimum of one year of pre-primary education are more likely to develop the critical skills they need to succeed in school and fewer likely to repeat grades or drop out.
We will be able to educate every child in our country with your aid and support!
Your donation has the potential to alter a child's life trajectory.